University of Delaware

The largest university in the stateof Delaware, UD is a research university with high ranking doctoral programs inengineering, mathematics, city management and public affairs, among others. Theschool's very first graduating class of just 10 students included three men whowould later sign the Declaration of Independence: Thomas McKean, George Readand James Smith. A land, sea and space grant supported research institution, UDis one of only four schools in the United States to offer a major in artconservation. An active campus in a suburban setting, University of Delawarestudents enjoy nearly three hundred different student organizations and clubs.UD also participates in 22 varsity sports in the NCAA Division I, and theFightin' Blue Hens football teams have won six national titles over the years.
FromLaird Campus on New London Road to South Central on College Avenue, residencehalls house over seven thousand students at UD during the academic year. If youarrived at the university with a truck full of furniture and then realized thedorm rooms come fully-furnished, you don't have to scramble for a place tostore your things while you're getting busy earning your degree. StorageFront.comhas a directory of the finest and most affordable facilities close to campus,and you can easily search by preferred location or amenities. Reserve a storageunit online today or contact a facility manager by phone for more information.
Find storages by neighbourhoods
Secure Self Storage
1020 Bear Rd, New Castle, DE, 19720
Global Self Storage-Sadsburyville
21 Aim Boulevard, Sadsburyville, PA, 19369
Southern End Storage
142 N Church St, Quarryville, PA, 17566$50
ABC Storage Abington
#123 PSC Drive, Blue Bell, PA, 1942248.6mi
US Storage Centers
5117 Belair Rd, Baltimore, MD, 21206$47.50