University of Cincinnati

In the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio is one of the top-ranked universitiesin the country and in the world: the University of Cincinnati. Times has recognized this college as oneof the top 100 universities in North America and US News & World Report has ranked it as a \"Tier One\" university.UC has made a name for itself in architecture after extensive campusrenovations. Architects have noted the University of Cincinnati as one of the mostdistinguished campus settings in the world. It's no surprise, then, thatstudents love to study here! The campus, while beautiful and interesting indesign, offers many degree programs and student organizations to keep studentsengaged and entertained.
UC has also established itself by being the first university toaccomplish various breakthroughs, such as the first oral polio vaccine, thefirst antihistamine, the first bachelor's degree program in nursing, and thefirst degree program offered via satellite. Throughout the years, UC has beenat the forefront of many accomplishments; as such, the university consistently seekssome of the nation's brightest students. Incoming freshmen enjoy moving toCincinnati (or the \"Paris of America\") for its large collection of historicarchitecture.
Many UC students choose to live in the dorms or in campus-providedhousing. While many of these dorms feature great rooms, college students generallywish for some more personal space. Luckily, there are many storage facilities justaround the corner from the UC campus, meaning that students can stash some extrastuff and get a little more breathing room in the dorms!
Stronghold Eastgate
758 Old SR 74, Cincinnati, OH, 45245$32
Stronghold Erlanger
3700 Holly Ln, Erlanger, KY, 41018$55
Stronghold Middletown
3657 Commerce Dr, Franklin, OH, 45005$24