Michigan State University

Michigan StateUniversity is located in the capital of Michigan: Lansing. Enrollment includesstudents from all 83 counties in Michigan, all 50 states in the US, and morethan 130 other countries around the world. For students who have yet to ventureto another country, MSU provides the perfect opportunity since it offers thelargest number of study abroad programs of any single-campus university in thecountry. Programs include destinations in over 60 countries. For studentsstaying in Lansing, MSU cross country may serve as a rewarding sport to watch.It has been MSU's most successful sport throughout the years, with the Spartanswinning numerous conference and national titles.
MSU was the first ofits kind as a land-grant institution. It paved the way for other universitiesto follow, and it pioneered the studies in areas such as telecommunication,hospitality, business, and supply chain management. Students can visit the MSUMuseum to enhance their studies of anthropology, biology, folklife, geographyand history. The Abrams Planetarium on MSU's campus also hosts a Digitar IIComputer Graphics planetarium projector, which may also provide an excellent educationalexperience. And here's a little fun fact for you: since its first establishmentin 1855, MSU has changed its name five times. It finally settled on MichiganState University in 1964 and that has been the name ever since.
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