Louisiana State University

LSU at Baton Rouge was originallyfounded in 1853 as a military academy, and many of those traditions are stillobserved to this day. Lauded for its research facilities, LSU has participatedin hundreds of sponsored research projects with the National Science Foundationand the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, among others. Inaddition to its extensive research programs and facilities, LSU has been rankedamong the top entrepreneurial colleges and universities in the nation byEntrepreneur Magazine. Home of the Fighting Tigers, LSU students are involvedin more than twenty varsity sports. A member of the NCAA and the SoutheasternConference, LSU has won many national championships in everything from women'strack and field to baseball. Tiger Stadium's nickname, Death Valley, was firstcoined as \"Deaf Valley\" due to the roar of the fans in the crowd, sometimesshaking the ground as much as an earthquake (one game measured 4.7 on theseismograph!).
Students at LSU Baton Rouge thatneed extra room can search StorageFront for clean, secure and affordable selfstorage facilities near the campus to store everything from dorm room furnitureto their Fighting Tigers memorabilia. If your engineering and biomedical bookcollections are taking over your space, check out StorageFront for securestorage units with climate control to keep your tomes in top shape until it'stime to sell them at the end of the semester. Search by zip code or amenity,and we will guide you to available storage units at facilities near you.
Find storages by neighbourhoods
ClimaStor - Mancuso @ Picardy
5252 Mancuso Lane, Baton Rouge, LA, 70809$100
Premier Storage
7126 Highway 1 South, Addis, LA, 7071011.0mi
Baker Ship-N-Store
13434 Plank Road, Baker, LA, 70714