Florida State University

Ranked the most efficient national university, the 32,200 undergraduatestudents who attend Florida State University know they're receiving a qualityeducation. From space and sea grants to the low student faculty ration, FSUattracts students from every state in the U.S. as well as overseas to theircomprehensive research university. Even though the campus is located in theheart of Tallahassee city life, the university offers an outdoor pursuitsprogram that takes students into natural Florida on adventure trips such askayaking, white water rafting, and hiking. FSU is a member of the AtlanticCoast Conference in the NCAA Division I.
Every summer, students face the predicament of movinghome or throwing away their extra stuff. You might even need to do somethingwith it for a whole semester. Maybe you're one of the many students fromFlorida State that study abroad or maybe you're studying abroad here. Figuringout what to do with your stuff isn't easy, but choosing a storage unit can be.We help you find the perfect storage space to keep the belongings you careabout without cluttering up Mom and Dad's house.