Florida International University

FloridaInternational University is the youngest university to be awarded a Phi BetaKappa chapter by the country's oldest academic honor society. It is classifiedas a first-tier research university by the Florida Legislature and involveshigh research activity by the Carnegie Foundation. Enrollment for FIU isincreasingly competitive and more valedictorians from South Florida choose theuniversity than any other college in the nation. There is sure to be a degreeto suit any interest, as 191 programs of study are offered along with more than280 majors. It is ranked number seven of largest public universities byenrollment and number ten among international business programs in the nation.
Believeit or not, Florida International University is located in what was once anabandoned airfield. Though the location may have seemed a bit odd, theuniversity has continued to grow and excel year after year. FIU is located inMiami, \"America's Cleanest City\" (as recognized by Forbes). Miami is home to clean drinking water, city-wide recyclingprograms and quality air, year round. Along with this, Miami is recognized asan \"Alpha-World City\" due to its leadership in finance, commerce, culture,media, entertainment, the arts and international trade.
College is one ofthe best times of your life. The summer is a welcome break, the classes are(usually) in your field of interest, and the opportunity to meet great peopleis huge. But there are some downsides. The exams can be brutal, the personalspace can be limited, and the money can fly right out the window. While selfstorage won't necessarily make your tests any easier, it can definitely providemore space at a great rate. Check out some of the storage facilities near you!
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J and D Parking Storage
6100 NW 97th Ave, Doral, FL, 33178$99
10 percent off
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10 percent off
US Storage Centers
3975 W 16th Ave, Hialeah, FL, 33012$75.50

US Storage Centers
2771 W 76th St, Hialeah, FL, 33016$130.50

US Storage Centers
2765 NW 207th St, Miami Gardens, FL, 33056$30.50

Lighthouse Self Storage Cooper City
11060 Griffin Rd, Cooper City, FL, 3333021.7mi
Hollywood Storage
1614 N 23rd Ave, Hollywood, FL, 33020$1
US Storage Centers
6701 NW 18th Ct, Plantation, FL, 33313$88.50

Lighthouse Self Storage Fort Lauderdale
1121 E Commercial Blvd, Oakland Park, FL, 3333449.8mi
US Storage Centers
1425 SW 10th. Street, Delray Beach, FL, 33444