Faulkner University

Faulkner University is a private Christian university nestled inMontgomery, Alabama. It is affiliated with the Church of Christ and it offers 8different associate's degrees, 47 bachelor's degrees and 15 graduate programs. Studentscan enroll in one of five colleges: Alabama Christian College of Arts andSciences, the College of Education, Harris College of Business and ExecutiveEducation, V.P. Black School of Biblical Studies and Kearley Graduate School ofTheology.
Students can choose from a wide range of activities in which to getinvolved, including: business, choir, honors clubs, magazine publishing,political activism, sports, intramurals, student government, theatre, drama andyearbook. Faulkner also provides satellite studies for students in Mobile,Huntsville and Birmingham, Alabama areas. The Montgomery campus is located onthe Alabama River, near the Maxwell Air Force Base and in a city rich withAlabama government agencies.
If you study at Faulkner University, why not take a look at nearby storagefacilities? There are plenty of storage units close to campus, which allow youthe opportunity to store a wide variety of items. Many places even offercoupons and student discounts, so you can score a great deal while you open upsome space at home!
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145 Eastdale Rd. S, Montgomery, AL, 36117$22
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Storage World
513 Ann Street, Montgomery, AL, 36107$20
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Storage World
3009 McGehee Road, Montgomery, AL, 36111$23
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Pro Business Centers - Montgomery
4910 Catherine Dr, Montgomery, AL, 36116$700
Maxwell Mini Storage
3807 Day Street, Montgomery, AL, 36108$70
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Maxwell Mini Storage
312 Air Base Blvd, Montgomery, AL, 36108$40
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Store More Self Storage
502 Trojan Pkwy, Troy, AL, 36081$91
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Iron Storage Luverne
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