East Carolina University

What began as a teacher trainingschool in 1907 is now the fastest growing college campus in the state of NorthCarolina. Even though they have over 21,500 undergraduates, they're stillcommitted to training their students with excellence. They have nineundergraduate colleges and the oldest and largest is the college of educationwith the school of nursing coming in as a close second. ECU is the largesteducator of nurses and teaching professionals in North Carolina. ECU's collegeof business has also been named one of the best in the nation for the past fiveyears. The university is divided into three distinct campuses within an urbansetting and has a thriving Greek and campus club life.
Whether you're leaving ECU for the summer or studying abroadfor a semester, you're going to be left with a dorm room or apartment full ofstuff that you need to store. Instead of imposing on mom and dad or paying forhousing through the summer, rent a storage unit! Storage units are aninexpensive option for college students that allow you to store your belongingsfor whatever short or long amount of time you may need. Find a facility withgreat security and 24-hour access, and you won't have to worry about your stuffwhile you're off enjoying the sunshine at the beach or crepes by the EiffelTower.
Find storages by neighbourhoods
Parkway Storage
2903 Storage Lane, Winterville, NC, 28590$65
Toad Suck Mini Storage
1798 N. Beston Rd, La Grange, NC, 28551$31
50% off First 2 Months
50% off First 2 Months
Forward Storage Hwy 17
2008 Hwy 17 North, New Bern, NC, 28560$38
Forward Storage Hwy 55
645 Hwy 55 East, New Bern, NC, 28560$49
Forward Storage 160
160 Blueberry Lane, New Bern, NC, 28560$28
Forward Storage New Bern
1855 Brices Creek Rd, New Bern, NC, 28562$25
50% Off First 2 Full Months
50% Off First 2 Full Months
50% Off First 2 Full Months
Forward Storage 725
725 Broad Creek Road, New Bern, NC, 28560$47