Birmingham Southern College

Birmingham Southern College is accredited through the SouthernAssociation of Colleges and Schools. It attracts students from over 30 statesand more than 15 countries around the globe. BSC is frequently ranked as thebest liberal arts college in the United States. Part of this is likely due tothe fact that 96% of faculty hold the highest degrees in their field. BSC alsoprides itself in bringing excellent opportunities to students, such as it doesthrough its many paid summer internships and fellowships. Students can gainexperience as well as save some cash - all through the university that theycall home.
For those looking to get involved, BSC doesn't disappoint. There areover 70 student organizations and the downtown location of campus allows agreat ability to attend cultural events and fun venues. Birmingham SouthernCollege also beats out many public universities through its green initiatives. There'sbeautiful landscaping as well as classrooms with motion detection systems. Nomatter what you're passionate about as a student, BSC can give you the toolsyou need to achieve your goals!
Since BSC attracts students from around the world, there are manyBirmingham college students who love their school but feel disappointed with theamount of belongings they can bring with them. Dorm living is renowned for beinga bit on the cramped side, and that's why many smart students utilize nearbystorage units. Many storage facilities are located just down the way from BSC,providing a convenient and affordable solution. Check out some of the greatones nearby!
Find storages by neighbourhoods
Metro Mini Storage
900 17th Street North, Birmingham, AL, 3520312.0mi
Gardendale Self Storage
2535 Decatur Highway, Gardendale, AL, 35071
My Storage Unit
9759 Hwy 174, Odenville, AL, 35120$45
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50% Off first month
50% Off first month