Boat Winterization & Storage
Winterizing a boat is complicated, and you can find a variety of instructions for doing so in blogs and videos. Here, I have tried to make the winterizing process as straightforward as possible. Always consult your boat manual, since different boats may have different locations for some parts and may require specific steps not mentioned here. Some of the information here won’t apply to all boats.
Here are a few of the products you may need:
Larger boats with a drinking water and shower system need to protect the fresh water tanks. Your owner’s manual should be invaluable for doing this properly.
First, drain the water heater and water tank. Turn on the cold and hot faucets in the shower and the sinks to drain any excess water.
Disconnect the lines to and from the hot water heater to properly isolate it.
Per your manual, pump your non-toxic antifreeze into the water lines. Run all faucets again until the pink antifreeze begins to come through.
Pour antifreeze into the water heater.
The waste removal system on larger boats should be handled separately from the rest of the water system. Go to an approved waste facility and flush the holding tank. While pumping out the waste, pour fresh water into the toilet and flush repeatedly.
Clean the system per your manual’s instructions, add fresh water, and pump the tank again.
Add antifreeze per your manual’s instructions. This means pumping it through the holding tank and other waste removal system parts, and this may vary from boat to boat.
Remove your personal possessions and other valuables from the boat interior. For safety, this includes potential fire hazards and even fire extinguishers. It also includes blankets, chair cushions, and the like. Clean out all containers and drawers. Clean the refrigerator. Your manual may suggest using a dehumidifier to prevent mildew.
Ideally, you will be able to store your boat out of water in a climate-controlled boat storage facility. If you can afford to store somewhere on land, make sure your boat is completely clean.
To do this, pressure wash the hull and clean off all barnacles and other sea-life that may have attached itself anywhere on the boat. Drain water from the seacocks. Wax the hull. Finally, make sure the batteries are charged, turned off, and disconnected.
If you have to keep your boat in the water over the winter, these procedures, always checked against the manual’s recommendations, should keep your boat in the best shape possible.
We also recommend getting a professional to do the winterizing, especially if you have never done it before. You may be able to sit in and watch the procedure.
We wish you great success in winterizing your boat so you can enjoy it when spring rolls around.
StorageFront makes no guarantees or warranties regarding the information contained in this article and is not responsible for any damages. We’re enthusiasts and provide this guide as a starting point. Consult your mechanic for questions.

- An environmentally friendly, non-toxic antifreeze
- Fuel stabilizer, marine type
- Engine oil
- Outdrive oil
- A spray fogger
- A boat winterization kit