Solutions for Compulsive Hoarding
Compulsive hoarding is a condition whereby seemingly useless items are accumulated to an excessive degree and never thrown away potentially causing cramped living conditions, squalor, disease, not to mention health and fire hazards. Hoarders tend to be reclusive, hiding their amassed useless possessions from the rest of the world, too embarrassed to let anyone in for fear they might take it all away. Clutter is a different animal in that there is just might not be enough storage space to put everything. The difference is that while clutter might also be excessive, rooms can still be used for what they were intended for. Hoarders have whole rooms that are inaccessible due to the accumulation of meaningless items, often having to tunnel to get to other rooms. Collectors typically are hobbyists who collect certain things, like cars, figurines, or salt-and-pepper shakers. These people are proud of what they have, generally keep it well maintained, and frequently use it to form relationships with other collectors of the same item or items.
- What is hoarding? General definition along with the whats and whys of the typical hoarder.
- Psychiatric Definition of Hoarding Proposed designation of the hoarding disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-V), the standard tool for diagnosing psychiatric disorders.
- Hoarding Overview Gives overview to those who might be suffering from hoarding on what to look for and what to expect, along with therapeutic options.
- Hoarding vs. Cluttering Differences between hoarding and cluttering.
- Hoarding vs. Collecting Differences between hoarding and collecting.
- What do people hoard? The typical items that are hoarded.
- Types of Hoarding Delineating the three major types of hoarding, in the elderly, animals, and obsessive-compulsive hoarding.
- Animal Hoarding Explanation of excessive accumulation of animals, the repercussions, prevalence, etc.
- Hoarding and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) How hoarding is related to OCD.
- OCD Definition of OCD.
- Associated Psychiatric Disorders Excellent newsletter put out by Boston College and Smith College outlining the other mental disorders that can be associated with hoarding along with a Q&A.
- Checklist The Wade-Bennett Life-Clutter scale.
- Other Rating Scales Other questionnaires and testing techniques to assess for hoarding behaviors and/or tendencies.
- Risks of Hoarding The rising incidence of hoarding in the United States.
- Insurance Risks The risks associated with writing a homeowner's policy for those who hoard.
- When Hoarding is a Public Problem When emergency action is necessary from the local fire, health, and building departments.
- Fire Hazards and Hoarding Fire safety issues.
- Diagnosis Diagnostic criteria used to diagnose compulsive hoarding.
- Treatment Explores the goals of therapy along with changes in the thought processes.
- Therapy The "baby steps" of reorganizing both homes and thoughts.
- More Therapies Research into the multimodal approach to defeating compulsive hoarding.
- Genetic Link Possible link between genetics and predicting risks.
- The Collyer Brothers Explored Discussion of the Collyer brothers and media portrayal of hoarders.
- Personal Experience One author's experience with her mother's hoarding.
- Stories from People who Hoard Stories from recovering hoarders.