Pope Field
Pope Fieldwas founded in 1919 as one of the first Air Force installations in the nation.It began as Pope Field and expanded greatly during WWII. They were responsiblefor a lot of airborne training units and tactical developments that aided theUS in the war. After the war, the base was renamed Pope Air Force Base andbecame primarily responsible for tactical reconnaissance, such as photographingterrain and mapping. However, in 2005, due to the Base Realignment and ClosurePlan, the Department of Defense moved Pope AFB under the command of Fort Braggand the base was changed back to its original name, Pope Field. Even though theyare no longer controlled by the Air Force, the Air Force presence is stillalive, and Pope Field is considered to be one of the busiest bases in the AirMobility Command. Fort Bragg Garrison is the host organization at Pope Field,providing airfield support, security and protection. Pope Field is also home tothe US Air Force 43d Airlift Group.
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Grays Creek Self Storage
2110 John McMillan Rd, Hope Mills, NC, 28348$39
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Get one month free, applied to the first full month after booking
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Plan B Storage
175 Anderson St., Aberdeen, NC, 28315$75
Smithfield Storage
1343 W Market Street, Smithfield, NC, 27577