NAS Pensacola

NASPensacola is the primary initial training base for all Navy, Marine and CoastGuard aviators as well as undergraduate and specialized training forprospective Naval Flight Officers. Before NAS Pensacola, the Pensacola NavyYard was established in 1826 in its place and was known as one of the best andmost equipped naval stations in the US. In 1913, it transitioned to an aviationtraining station and was the only one the US had. After the war, aviationslowed down until a cadet training program was reinstated. The base currently hoststhe Naval Education and Training Command and the Naval Aerospace MedicalInstitute, which is responsible for the training of naval flight surgeons andpsychologists. A US Navy Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels, also maketheir home at NAS Pensacola.
If you'reone of the many soldiers undergoing basic training at NAS Pensacola, you mightneed extra storage space while you're there, and finding a storage facilitywith what little free time you have can be tricky and time consuming. Using ourmilitary pages to find storage facilities around NAS Pensacola willdramatically decrease the time you spend searching for that perfect facility,so you can make a reservation and start storing in no time.
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Iron Horn Storage
3500 N Palafox St, Pensacola, FL, 32505$59
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Get one month free, applied to the first full month after booking
Old Milltown Self Storage
6250 Stewart St, Milton, FL, 32570$75
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Get one month free, applied to the first full month after booking
Get one month free, applied to the first full month after booking