Fort Stewart

Fort Stewartwas established in 1941 because of the need for an anti-aircraft artillerycenter in coastal Georgia. Their training programs and the number of militarypersonnel on base continued to grow throughout WWII. In 1943, Fort Stewartbecame a prisoner of war camp along with a soldier holding station for the D-Dayinvasion. Some 55,000 soldiers built up there in preparation for the invasionand then left simultaneously. Today, it boasts the largest army installationeast of the Mississippi and the home of the 3rd Infantry Division, ahighly decorated division that suffered the highest casualty rate during WWII.The 3rd is still active today and is deployed in Afghanistan. FortStewart includes over 280,000 acres of training facilities that are extendedover parts of five Georgia counties. The base includes a variety of live-firetraining ranges that are open all year, such as helicopter gunnery, tank, fieldartillery and small arms.
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245 West General Screven Way, Hinesville, GA, 313133.5mi
Stop N Stor
746 Elma G Miles Parkway, Hinesville, GA, 31313
Stop N Stor
1049 Kacey Drive, Hinesville, GA, 31313
Stop N Stor
96 Veterans Memorial Parkway, Richmond Hill, GA, 31324
Stop N Stor
5725 Ogeechee Road, Savannah, GA, 31405
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Stop N Stor
1010 SH Morgan Parkway, Pooler, GA, 31322
Stop N Stor
2180 Benton Blvd, Savannah, GA, 31407
Stop N Stor
315 Highway 30, Port Wentworth, GA, 31407
Stop N Stor
8901 Hwy 21, Port Wentworth, GA, 31407
Stop N Stor
4407 Bluffton Pkwy, Bluffton, SC, 29910