Fort Jackson

Fort Jackson was foundedin 1917 as Camp Jackson for the purpose of support during WWI and wasdeactivated after. It continued in this process of wartime activation anddeactivation until after the Korean War. Since then, it has remained an activeduty post for the US Army. Currently, it is the largest and most active initialentry training center in the US army. They are responsible for training half ofall soldiers entering the Army, and 70% of the women entering the army eachyear. This number totals over 50,000 soldiers in basic combat training at FortJackson per year. In addition to those in training, the fort also hasapproximately 3,600 active duty soldiers assigned to the base, along with their10,000 family members. The fort is responsible for huge economic impact in Columbia,South Carolina and the surrounding areas, with $716 million dollars per year inexpenses.
Regardless of whetheryou've just enlisted, are about to finish your tour of duty, or are anywhere inbetween, storage facilities can make your moves in between bases easier. Havingeasy access to facilities any time that you need can help make the processmoving from Fort Jackson so much less stressful for you and your family.Remember to always ask about military discounts; many storage facilities offerdiscounts to deployed or active duty personnel and their families. Even if youdon't see discounts offered on their page, you can try contacting the facilitydirectly to find out more about their offers.
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