Fort Hamilton

FortHamilton was established in 1825 on a site that had previously been abattleground during the American Revolution. Robert E. Lee and Thomas\"Stonewall\" Jackson even served at the fort, contributing to the fort'slongstanding tradition. It was the nation's first National Guard training camp andnow serves as the home to a variety of Army Reserve and Staging Divisions,along with the headquarters of the North Atlantic Division of the US Army Corpsof Engineers. The base is headquartered by the Military District of Washington,and their mission is to provide the urban area of New York City with militaryinstallation support and provide support to the Army National Guard as well asthe US Army Reserve. The original fort is now the Community Club for FortHamilton and many of the original structures are now listed as Historic Placeson the National Register.
Deploymentor base transfers can come on extremely short notice, and if you're one of themany people stationed at historic Fort Hamilton, you might find yourselfpacking up and moving, because that's military life. Military barracks arenotoriously small, so bringing all your stuff along isn't always possible. WithStorageFront, you can now find and book storage units that are convenientlylocated nearby Fort Hamilton in the heart of New York City.