Self Storage Unit Doubles as an Emasculating Man Cave
Here's reason No. 324 why I am not married yet (and yeah, I have my reasons. Obviously, I could be married if I wanted to – just look at that handsome mug over there).
I’ll try not to get off track here and go into reasons 1-323 why marriage can be a nuisance and marriage in your 20s is like drinking in your toddler years. But this story about men and their man caves in storage units struck a nerve.
Now, I’m all for self storage units and think they serve many great purposes… But a man cave?
It’s bad enough that my married friends rarely ever leave the house. You have to make plans at least two weeks in advance to see them, so they can slide you in for a round of golf between going on a picnic at the park with the in-laws and a visit to Pottery Barn, Target and Bed Bath and Beyond.
When you do get to visit your buddy at his house (also known as ‘the wife’s sanctuary’), you travel the estrogen palace down into the cellar of the house where the husband has been allowed to hang up a couple posters and keep his TV and beer fridge.
Apparently these fellas in Charlotte didn’t even get a room in their homes. These poor dudes have to meet at a storage unit to invite their buddies over to watch the game.
Granted, these units look pretty sweet. But there’s no reason why they can’t construct a similar man cave in their own homes.
Now if you go and visit a single buddy, you’ll notice he doesn’t have to take you to a cave or a storage unit; his entire house is dedicated to all-things men.
I guess if a storage unit is a way to get the married man out of the house, maybe I’ll have to learn to support it. And if the Future Mrs. C.J. ever reads this, I’ll probably have to include a pullout couch in my unit.