Catch-All Self Storage: an Excellent Corporate Citizen
On September 2, my article, Self Storage Facilities and Good Corporate Citizenship went live here in The Renter’s Bent Blog. I just found an excellent example of a self-storage company putting this into practice and hope that this example will inspire others to do the same.
Homelessness is a serious problem in America, and one self-storage business is doing what it can to improve life for the impoverished. In Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, Catch-All Self Storage, in conjunction with Lycoming County United Way, is running the “Catch-All Coat Drive” from October 26 through November 6.
Matthew Rodgers, Facility Manager at Catch-All Self Storage said, “Catch-All Self Storage has been in business over 20 years, and this was just an idea that popped into our heads. The local community has been great to us as a business. We thought about what we could do to share that with those who are suffering or less fortunate in our community.” They came up with a great way to pay it forward: providing the homeless with coats, blankets, hats, gloves, scarves, and other winter items. While Lycoming County has homeless shelters, they have waiting lists and are difficult to get into. These items will be especially important to those without a place to stay.
Those local to Lycoming County, Pennsylvania can make donations during the drive period at Catch-All Self Storage, 1304 Commerce Park Drive. Donation hours are from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday and 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on Halloween. If you have questions, call Catch-All Self Storage at (570) 326-3877
(570) 326-3877 or Lycoming County United Way at (570) 323-9448
(570) 323-9448.
When I asked Matthew how people from outside the county could help, he suggested instead helping in your own community. Contact a local service organization like United Way or homeless shelters and donate in your area. This goes for companies and individuals. With a little effort we can all be good citizens, making a difference.