A Fresh Take on Wine Storage
We’ve written a storage tip article on how to properly store wine in your storage unit, and wine lovers in Glendale, Calif. have gotten it right.
Deep beneath the subterranean levels of the historic Hotel Glendale (est. 1925), where it’s rumored the underground ballroom was a speakeasy during prohibition, winos can store their wine by the case in horizontally organized locker units.
Because the storage of wine requires controlled temperature, little to no exposure to light, and strictly controlled humidity, The Cave Wine Storage Lockers beneath the hotel make an ideal place for your favorite pinot noir.
It’s a public facility and according to their website they support a loyal customer base.
So if you’re in the Glendale area looking for a neat place to store your vino, The Cave Wine Storage Lockers looks like your best bet.
Another pretty fancy place to store your wine would have to be Store Self Storage Wine Storage in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
It boasts top-notch storage conditions, a back-up generator and low heat lights. There is a concierge service and a built-in wine management inventory system. Furthermore, you can’t forget about their “biometric access.” Alias anyone? And wine-tasting conference room.
PS : Check out this dream, in-home cellar.