10 Worst Organizational Tips on Pinterest
At StorageFront, we're always working hard toward giving the best advice to those looking for self storage. Whether it's sharing organizational tips on our social media accounts or writing thought-provoking blogs on de-cluttering your closet, we want to help renters keep their homes, offices and storage units in the best shape possible. So when we stumbled upon these Pinterest horrors, we had no choice but to define how each and every one of them is completely useless to our readers; it's our sworn duty to protect you from the almost certain doom of the social site's worst examples of organization.
This storage option is perfect for doomsday preppers who are hoarding canned goods, waiting for the impending rapture/nuclear attack/martial law imposition.
Let your friends know EXACTLY how much wine you consume. This is probably better suited for a frat house than a wine snob's living quarters.
Sure, just take a bunch of your beloved fluffy friends and stuff them into a beanbag chair. The crushing fate of those stuffed animals is worse than that of the cast of Toy Story 3 in the incinerator scene. This is just wrong.
Yeah, great idea, internet. Reaching up in the shower is exactly what you want to do on that slippery surface. This looks more like a commercial for LifeAlert than a feasible option for keeping your shampoo off the floor.
Mini fridges are sacred places that keep cheap, light beer refreshingly cold. Xbox paraphernalia, please GTFO.
This is admittedly an efficient, space-saving way to store cats; you can even easily throw a breathable cover over these guys when you have an OkCupid date over so they DON'T KNOW YOU OWN EIGHT CATS.
Sacrificing comfort for storage is ultimate blasphemy. If I wanted to store and sit uncomfortably at the same time, I'd make my new home the floor of a storage unit.
"I love stepping on Legos," said no one, ever. Bigger Lego = bigger pain. It's science.
How did this even make it on the almighty Pinterest? You organized exactly 1/4 of your sink cabinet; let me go grab you a quarter of a participation trophy.
Voila! A giant ugly necklace for your wall from which to hang more necklaces. Side note, that 90's kitchen wallpaper just isn't doing anything for me.
Sometimes, you have to "just say no" to Pinterest and listen to the experts instead. For the best advice on all things organization, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or even Google+ (if you're into that).
1. Who owns enough soup to necessitate a soup rack?

2. Boozer's Paradise

3. Morbid Place for Stuffed Animals

4. I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!

5. The Unworthy Xbox

6. Spinster Storage

7. Awkward Chair Storage

8. Painful Storage Units

9. Are You Even trying?

10. A Necklace Necklace