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10 Things You Should Store Until You Settle into Your New Home

Jon Fesmire | October 30, 2013 @ 8:43 AM

Moving can be stressful in many ways. From finding a new place, to packing, driving and getting settled, the process can seem endless.

However, there’s another way to look at any move, and that’s as a new start. It’s an opportunity to reinvent aspects of your life, to clear the clutter, and to focus on what’s most important to you. One way to achieve that focus is by selling, recycling, or giving away items you no longer use. However, that can be difficult. Here’s a way to take some time away from those items you don’t use often, to help give you perspective on if you want to keep them or not.

When you pack your belongings for your move, separate out those things you don’t use much. Those can go to a self storage unit, and those things you know you need can go to your new home. Don’t forget to label and keep an inventory of what’s in each box.

Three to six months after you’ve moved in, go back to your storage facility and decide what you need and what you don’t. What sort of things might you put in storage? Here are our suggestions.


Perhaps you’re replacing books with a Kindle or there are some you feel you don’t need on your shelves any more. Move in with the books you’re currently reading or about to read, or books you need for reference for school or work, and put the rest in storage for this waiting period. When it comes time to retrieve them, you may decide to donate them to a library or thrift store.


Do you still listen to your CDs or vinyl albums? After having them in storage for six months, you may want to sell or give away your collection after converting it to digital.


Instead of just putting up all your art on your walls when you move in, start with a few favorites and store the rest. In six months, check what you have in storage and decide what will fit best in your new home.


Bring your children’s favorite and newest toys to your home, and store the rest. Kids can’t play with all the toys they’ve accumulated over the years, and they’ll grow out of many. After six months, you can give away or sell toys they haven’t missed.

Decorations and Antiques

Bring a few of your favorite decorations and antiques to your new home and put the rest in storage. After six months, you may realize that you don’t need more, that your space feels great with what you have. You may have bought a few new ones that reflect your personality better. Or, you may decide that some of those stored items will look great in your home, but you don’t need them all.

Gardening Tools

When you first move in, you’ll have plenty to do before it’s time to think about gardening. Of course, if this is one of your priorities, then bring your garden tools with you. Otherwise, put them away until you feel more settled in and are ready to start a garden.


These days, you undoubtedly have those electronics you use frequently, which may include your computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. You may have a game system or two, and perhaps a Blu-ray player, all hooked up to your TV. And each member of your family surely has their current electronics as well. However, you may have older computers, electronics, and extra cords that you’re not using. If you’re not ready to use, give away, sell, or recycle these yet, put them in storage so you can decide what to do with them in the near future.

Fine China

Do you have a set of fine china cups and plates for special occasions? Yes, you may want to display it in your dining room, but hold off on doing so right away. Put the basics in your kitchen and dining room first, and after a few months you should get a sense of where that china, and china cabinet, will look best.

Extra Bedding

Do you have a lot of sheets and extra blankets? If so, you may find your linen closets overflowing. Do yourself a favor and bring two to three sets for each bed, and put the rest in storage for up to six months. When you go to retrieve them, decide if you missed them or not. Clothing and bedding you don’t need can be donated or recycled.

At the end of your three to six months, you may discover that you no longer need your self storage unit, or that you can move your remaining belongings to a smaller unit. Facilities make ending a contract and moving to another unit easy. We think you’ll also find that your home feels more personalized and focused.

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